爱故里 发表于 2023-11-2 11:14:15


本帖最后由 爱故里 于 2023-11-2 11:19 编辑


了解海水稻,要从一种特殊的地——盐碱地(saline soil)说起。盐碱地指由于土壤含盐量过高、无法种植作物的土地。
全球共有9.5亿公顷盐碱地,其中1亿多公顷分布在中国,折合15亿亩,相比之下全中国的可耕地面积(arable land)不过19亿亩,两者差不了多少。
Saline soil refers to land containing so much salt that hardly any crop can grow in it. Globally, there are 950 million hectares of saline land, 100 million hectares of it in China, where arable land is just a little more at 128 million hectares.


Of the 100 million hectares, about 6.67 million hectares are located in coastal regions around the Bohai Bay and southeast provinces, which receive a lot of salt from the sea;
About 10 million hectares are in the northeastern provinces, where it is so cold in winter that the earth's surface remains frozen till a meter deep. When it is spring, the water on the surface evaporates, but the deeper earth is still frozen, keeping the salt there... That makes the soil saline.
About 66.67 million hectares are located in northwestern regions where there is so little rainfall that the salt on the earth's surface can hardly be washed away.
In the 1960s, there was a famous Party secretary in Lankao county, Henan province, called Jiao Yulu, who died at the age of 42, fighting saline soil. Saline land accounted for 36 percent of land in the county, bringing with it much poverty and misery for the people.


Yuan Longping once said: "Of the 1.5 billion mu of saline land in China, seawater rice can be grown in 200-300 million mu. If every mu produces 300 kg of rice, 100 million mu will mean 30 billion more kg of rice, enough to feed another 80 million people."
中国海水稻研究起步于上个世纪八十年代,虽比国外晚了五十年,却在袁隆平院士和水稻育种团队的努力下,通过理论紧密联系实际后来居上(catch up with the trend)。

2012年,袁隆平成立海水稻研究团队,2016年又整合资源成立青岛海水稻研究发展中心(Qingdao seawater rice R&D Center)。
❶ 耐盐方面,要耐受盐度达0.6%的灌溉用水,以充分利用半咸水,节约淡水资源;
The seawater rice must be able to withstand water that contains 0.6 percent of salt or more, so as to save water resources;
❷ 产量要达到每亩300千克,确保项目可持续,农民不赔钱;
Rice yield must reach 300 kilograms per mu (667 square meters), so as to be sustainable for the economy;
❸ 种植面积要达到1亿亩,要有规模效应、形成产业。
The total size of the plantation area must exceed 100 million mu so that it is an industry large enough.



Seawater rice not only grows in saline soil, but also helps to improve it. Its roots can pull nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that most plants need, thus making the saline soil more fertile. These roots also make the saline soil porous, while the microbes that grow in them can improve the bacteria groups there.

Seawater rice is important, not only for producing hundreds of kg of food, but also for turning land previously unfit for cultivation arable. This way the size of arable land can be increased without diminishing forests or grasslands.
党的二十大报告中强调,要确保中国人的饭碗牢牢端在自己手中(“We will ensure that China's food supply remains firm in its own hands”)。实现这一目标需要很多行业共同努力,其中海水稻的作用不可忽视。
There will be one day when rice grows even in the drought-hit northwestern regions of the country, and Heilongjiang farmers could see harvest from the once wasted frozen fields. The scent of seawater rice will cover the saline soil, while the farmers there could enjoy white, sweet rice frown from their own fields.

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查看完整版本: 袁爷爷走了两年,他心心念念的海水稻怎么样了?